The Sunni Association in Iraq / Illness and fasting


In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Praise be to God, the Most Merciful, and the best prayers and most pure greetings be upon the Noble Prophet. As for what follows:


1. If someone is forced to swallow a pill of medicine, if he is able to swallow it without water, it is permissible for him to do so. If he needs water to take the necessary treatment, he may break the fast with the excuse of illness and then make up for it. It is recommended to break the fast for a patient who needs to take medicine from the mouth during the day, and it may be obligatory according to his condition.

2. Whoever is sick and is harmed by fasting may break his fast. Likewise, an old man, an elderly woman, a pregnant woman, or a breastfeeding woman, if they are unable to fast, they may break their fast. If they are able to make up for it, they will make it up, and if they are unable to make it up, they will feed one poor person for each day. Al-Tirmidhi (1/218) said: “This is acted upon according to some scholars, and some of them said: (The pregnant and the breastfeeding woman) may break the fast and be fed, and they are not obligated to make up for it, and if they wish, they can make up for it and they are not obligated to be fed, and this is what Ishaq says.” Ah, and Al-Nawawi said (Al-Majmu’: 6). /269): Some of the scholars of the Salaf, including Ibn Omar, Ibn Abbas, and Saeed bin Jubayr, may God be pleased with them, were of the view that they break the fast and feed, and they do not have to make up for it. Ah, in Al-Musnad and Al-Sunan, on the authority of Anas bin Malik Al-Kaabi, that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: [Indeed, God is Mighty. Glory be to Him He waived fasting from the traveler and half of the prayer, and from the pregnant and breastfeeding woman, the fasting], and in the wording of some of them [and from the pregnant and breastfeeding woman] Sahih Al-Jami’ (1835).

O God, grant us health and pardon us and all Muslims, and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family. All his followers.

